Welcome to the 4th Annual Domi Awards at Capital City County Club at 5:30PM.

This event recognizes local and regional entrepreneurs and small businesses that are making an impact within the community in 5 categories: Innovation, Sustainability, Influence, Community, and Resilience.


20025 Keynote



Mike Goldstein

Capital City PediCabs

Be Strong Therapy Team

Be Strong Therapy

Tiffany Lewis

Milk Me Treats

Jakira Scott

Amor De Lona

Ryan Truchelut


Leon Brunson

Leon’s at Lake Ella

Tasha Diorr

Ebe Randeree

FSU College of Communications and Information

Allison Aubuchon

Well Connector

Claudiu Bucur


Ashley Flete


Cedric Jones


Vincent Hunt

The Bureau of Creative Intelligence

Danny Martinez Cruz



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This award is presented to someone who fully embodies the adventurous and innovative spirit of an entrepreneur. This person’s wealth of curiosity, mixed with their imagination and ambition, makes for the ultimate innovator. Their ability to see the big picture is reflected in all of their ventures.

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This award represents the entrepreneur who, through their energy and actions, captivates and activates those around them. This person, though daring, utilizes their business to motivate others to take chances and tap into the visionaries within themselves.

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This award applauds the entrepreneur who is focused on sustainability. With every decision made, this person takes into consideration the effects that their business will have not just personally but globally, by placing their environmental and social impact at the heart of it.

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This award recognizes the entrepreneur that takes the phrase “community-oriented” to the next level. Aside from offering constant support to their peers, this person is devoted to making Tallahassee an inclusive environment for all. Significant efforts can be seen within the development of their business that serve to uplift the community through collaboration and care for others.

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This award highlights the entrepreneur who embraces the unknown. With no fear of change, this person is constantly pivoting and looking for ways to improve their business. Through persistence and dedication, this person is seemingly always going the extra mile, while trying to learn and grow along the way.


Thank You to OUR sponsors


2024 domi awards RECAP


See more from last year’s award here!

